We give God all the glory as of the Easter term which took off on the 10th of January 2022 and ended well on the 7th of April, 2022.
To the glory of God, students were exposed to academic as well as co-curricular activities within the school environment despite all the security challenges all over the environment compounded with the spiraling inflation pressures.
PROGRESS: The Easter Term Examinations were conducted between 25th March and 4th April 2022. We are glad to report that all went well and our children are increasing in knowledge academically, socially, spiritually, and morally.
COMMUNITY DAY: The College observed three Community Days this term. Each of which a resource person was invited to give a talk on the following;
- LIVING A LIFE WORTHY OF EMULATION (For Junior Students) & CAMPUS LIFE (For Out-Going SSS3 and other senior students)
- SECURITY AWARENESS: Senior Officers of the Nigerian Police Force Area ’E Command’ Festac sensitized the students on the security challenges in society, the need to be sensible and conscious of the security issues as per their immediate environment and location. Students were equally taught some safety tips and how to protect themselves when facing security challenges.
CULTURAL DAY: Our Cultural Day was observed on Wednesday, 6th of April, 2022. The sports houses of the school to which students belong were translated into geographical zones of the country. It was indeed a great day for the students. Parents prepared the cultural food and dressed the children in the cultural attire of the Geopolitical Zone they found themselves in. It helped the students to acquire additional knowledge of the culture of other geopolitical zones they have been hearing about.
PTA: The PTA meeting was held on Wednesday 23rd February 2022 being the Open Day of the School as agreed by parents previously. The meeting started at 10:10 am and ended at 12:45 pm. The turnout was quite impressive as we recorded an attendance of 152 people.
The highlights include;
- PARENTAL INFLUENCE ON CAREER CHOICE: Parents were encouraged to allow their children to choose their career path under their guidance and that of the Lord God Almighty.
- BUS DELAY: Bus will not stay more than two (2) minutes in each house.
- LATE FOOD TO SCHOOL: Parents were encouraged to wake up early for adequate preparation to avoid bringing food to the school at odd times.
- SOLAR ENERGY PROJECT: It was agreed during the PTA meeting that each student should pay ₦10,000.00 for the Solar Project to assist the school as requested. Those yet to comply were urged to do so.
- SSS3 AND JSS3 EXTERNAL EXAMS CLASSES FEES PATTERN: Parents were reminded about the payment pattern of fees for students in external exam classes. External exams classes pay school fees twice as follows:
- SSS 3 – FIRST TERM: First-term fees +books+ WAEC exams+50% of third term fees.
SECOND TERM: Second term fees +50% of third term fees
THIRD TERM: No school fees are to be paid except the graduation fee of ₦30,000.00 only.
- JSS 3 – FIRST TERM: First-term fees +books +BECE (junior WAEC fee) +50% of third term fees
SECOND TERM: Second term fees +50% of third term fees
THIRD TERM: No school fees are to be paid except ₦20,000.00 for graduation is to be paid.
- PTA ACCOUNT FUND: Deliberations and suggestions on how the PTA Account should be funded and how much should be paid by each parent were referred to the PTA Chairman and Executives to discuss and revert to the PTA.
- UPLOADING NOTES ON-LINE: After much deliberations on the right time to upload notes online, for students to copy, it was agreed that notes will now be uploaded Friday mornings to enable parents to monitor properly what the children are doing during the weekend. Parents were equally advised to buy desktop rather than giving the children phones or laptops that aids them to visit unauthorized sites easily.
The next PTA comes up next term on the 8th of June, 2022 being the Open Day of the College.
END OF SESSION/GRADUATION CEREMONY: Please in keeping with our normal tradition, the payment for this year’s End of Session /Graduation activities that comes up on 21st July 2022 is as follows:
Graduating Students: SS 3 – ₦30,000.00 JSS 3 – ₦20,000.00 Non graduating students – ₦7,000.00
2022/2023 COLLEGE ENTRANCE: The College Entrance Examination into JSSI-III & SSI-III for the 2022/2023 Academic Session comes up on Saturday, 7th of May 2022. The cost of the Entrance Form is Ten Thousand Naira only (₦10,000.00).
Time: 9.00 am prompt.
Venue: Potasfield College Hall.
Parents should please note that the agreed discount on tuition for the introduction of a new Parent/Student into the College is still on. Please we rely on you for the publicity of the College.
For enquires, contact the Admission Office, Potasfield Organization.
FEES: We appreciate our Parents who have diligently endeavored to pay up the fees despite the harsh economic condition. God bless you real good. Please, we wish to inform our parents that due to the prevailing high rate of inflation (18% officially) in the country, the cost of running the school has increased substantially. To stay afloat and maintain our services, the school fees have been reviewed upwards by 10%. We appeal that you bear with us in these trying times. We count on your goodwill and assure you that we do not take your patronage for granted.
ACCOUNT NAME: Potasfield College
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1013483345
BANK: Zenith Bank
We urge that you go through the Pentecost Term Programme taking note of important dates and events for the term as this will enable your full participation (View Download Below).
On behalf of the Proprietor, Management, Staff, and Students of the School, we wish you a Happy Easter Celebration.
Remain blessed by the Lord.
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